Wet spell pushes up March average

Wet spell pushes up March average

Two days of heavy rain ensured Bunbury surpassed its average March rainfall.

Bunbury's average rainfall for March is 15.1mm but 23mm was recorded for the month by the Bureau of Meteorology.

Much of that fell on two days, with March 14 recording 11.2mm of rain and March 18 having 10.4mm.

The average minimum temperature last month was 14.7C - warmer than the long-term average of 14.1C.

Maximum temperatures were 0.1C cooler than the long-term average of 27.8C.

Last month's coldest night was 7.4C on March 25 and the warmest was 20.6C on March 16.

The coldest day was recorded on March 23, when the maximum temperature only reached 22.9C.

March 13 was the hottest day at 36.2C. That was also the last time Bunbury's temperature exceeded 30C.

The Carey Park site which provides the long-term averages has been used since 1995.

BoM is forecasting partly cloudy conditions for the Easter long weekend, with minimums between 13C and 15C and maximums between 26C and 28C.


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