Young Aussies inundated with calls after finding solution to major electric vehicle problem

The young entrepreneurs have been celebrated by many, though anything to do with EVs often come with its skeptics.

As electric vehicles (EV) grow in popularity, so too does the concern over where to charge them, with fears the number of charging stations for the ever-growing fleet on Australian roads simply isn't enough.

After seeing the rise in EVs around Melbourne and other parts of Victoria, and hearing about a lack of charging stations available, two young Aussies have come up with a seemingly obvious, and much-needed solution. "We were just like, let's see if we can deliver a mobile [charging] service for customers," Daniel Henry told Yahoo News Australia.

Qualified electrician, Daniel, 24, and his business partner, Toby Batters-Holding, also 24, had a dream of working for themselves and "contributing to a greener society". After coming up with the idea of a mobile charging business, the two spent 12 months learning everything there is to know about running a business and getting electricity to EVs before officially launching Mobile EV Charging just three weeks ago.

"Toby just said, why don't we just give it a crack," Daniel recalled. "So, we put our money towards the two charging vehicles that we have now."

Image of Toby and Daniel standing in front of one of their electric vehicle chargers.
Toby (left) and Daniel (right) launched their small business, Mobile EV Charging just three weeks ago and have already attended emergency chargings. Source: Supplied

Electric vehicles remain divisive to Australians

The response since opening has been one of support from many — with those celebrating the Aussies for "giving it a go" and industry experts reaching out to offer their help to the young entrepreneurs. Though, as expected with EVs, there are those that are skeptical.


The vehicles carrying the chargers are not electric, which has been pointed out by some critics. Though, Daniel shares this is something in their business plan. "We don't really have a million dollars sitting in the bank. But, we definitely have ambitions and want to buy an electric company car in the future," he shared.

While business is still picking up since their recent launch, the pair have received a "hell of a lot" of phone calls from people wanting help fixing chargers, businesses looking to organise a subscription to the service, and from some in need of a rescue.

Most recently, an EV was left stranded on the Mornington Peninsular after a "public charging station" was "out of service", not unheard of while EV infrastructure is still growing, so a truck was sent out for a $200 "fast charge".

Price for an EV call out

Similar to call outs for diesel cars needing assistance, to book a once-off service with Daniel and Toby's company, it costs anywhere between $130 and $300, depending on if it was outside of hours and whether it was scheduled or not.


"It is absolute bare minimum we can do with running costs," Daniel explained, "Which is why in the next couple of months we plan to set up a membership option too."

For those able to drive to a normal, working charging station, charging fees are around 45-65 cents per kWh, which adds up to about $20 to $48 depending on the car.

NRMA and other big providers still running behind

EV owner and host of Two Blokes Talking Electric Cars, Trevor Long, recently told Yahoo the charging infrastructure in Australia is "growing" with government incentives, but not fast enough to "outpace the sale of EV cars". And, while NRMA have just a small amount of vehicles equipped to charge EVs in Sydney and Canberra — they have none in Victoria.

Though there are certainly obvious teething issues as EVs continue to emerge, Long said they are still the "best" cars to own. "I own one EV and have a second coming next month, they are among the best cars on the road to drive and own," he said.

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