Police discover children's bodies in freezer

Police have discovered the bodies of two children in a freezer in a home.

CNN reports police were called to a Detroit property in the US after a bailiff serving an eviction notice discovered the body of a girl inside a freezer.

Police later found a boy’s body in the freezer. Both were inside a plastic bag.

Police say the children's mother Michelle Blair, 35, who also goes by Angel, was in custody in connection with the discovery.

Detroit Police Chief James Craig said she was being treated as a 'person of interest' and was handcuffed and taken away by officers.

The children’s mother was reportedly found at another location and two other children, aged 11 and 17-years-old who lived in the home have been placed into protective custody.

Detroit Police Chief James Craig said the boy was about 11-years-old and the girl about 14-years-old.

Distressed neighbour Tori Childs is led away after the discovery of the bodies Photo: AP
Distressed neighbour Tori Childs is led away after the discovery of the bodies Photo: AP

Investigators have reportedly said it is too early to say how the bodies came to be in the freezer.

Autopsies will be performed by the Wayne County medical examiner's office to determine how they died.