Woman's frightening find inside bedroom wall

A woman has shared an unsettling discovery after she found some unwelcome — and possibly deadly — roommates behind her bed.

According to a Facebook post, the New York woman noticed wasps in her home two years ago and believed they were getting in via an air conditioner.

"Two different exterminators told me the yellow jackets I was finding were coming through the second-floor air conditioner from a probable nest outside," she wrote in the post.

However long after getting the exterminators in she realised the uninvited guests had left behind a souvenir.

The unsettling wasp discovery was made behind the woman's bed.
The unsettling discovery was made behind the woman's bed. Source: Facebook

Woman's puppy made a horrifying discovery

The woman wrote that the exterminators assured her there was "no way" the nest was inside the house, spraying outside the property to stop them from entering.

Two years after the wasp infestation, her 13-week-old puppy alerted her to the nest, she said, posting a photo of the nest spotted behind the wall.

"My puppy found a soft spot in the wall behind our bed... and a dormant nest is in the wall," the woman explained.

"I had almost forgotten about them until that moment."

Yellow Jacket wasps attack if someone approaches their nest. Source: Getty
Yellow Jacket wasps attack if someone approaches their nest. Source: Getty

The woman said there was plenty of insulation in the wall, with the rest of the walls in the house "completely fine and thick".

"According to Google I think they can eat through drywall, so maybe it's deteriorated," she pondered. "I'm not okay".

She believes they are Yellow Jacket wasps, which are common in North America.

Nests are 'deeply fascinating'

Fellow group members sympathised with the woman, many saying they have found themselves in similar situations.

"We have a very old home and have found two inactive yellow jacket nests as we've been renovating and removing plaster where we needed to replace it," one woman commented, adding although they are "deeply fascinating" to look at, she hopes they don't find any more.

"Similar thing happened to me," another user wrote. "Exterminator said 'there's no way' there's a nest in the basement.

"Behind the washing machine there it was," she continued. "A yellow jacket nest".

Yellow jacket wasps are very protective of their colony and will attack if someone approaches their nest, meaning removal by a professional is essential.

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