Coronavirus: What you can and can't do from June 1

Updated 1/6/20

After months of living with strict coronavirus restrictions, Australia’s low rate of new infections have led to many states taking steps to further ease their rules from June 1.

Here is a state-by-state guide of what you’ll be able to do all around the country from the start of winter.

What will change in NSW from June 1

June 1 is a “big step” towards easing coronavirus stage two restrictions and kickstarting the state’s economy, according to Premier Gladys Berejiklian.

After many complaints from those in the beauty industry that they should fall under the same rules as hairdressers, who have remained open during the pandemic, beauty salons, nail bars, tanning salons and spas will all be able to open from June 1.

Pictured is a manicurist applying nail polish.
Beauty salons will reopen from June 1. Source: Getty

A maximum of 10 people are allowed in a salon at all times and they must adhere to the four square metre rule. There should be no magazines in waiting rooms.

However, tattoo studios have not been given the green light to reopen.

Intrastate travel, and holidays are now allowed within NSW. All recreational trips across the state will be allowed, as long as people follow social distancing and good hygiene.

Deputy Premier John Barilaro advised calling planned accommodation venues and attractions to ensure they will be open before travelling, especially camp sites, caravan parks and NSW National Parks.

Museums, galleries, libraries, zoos, aquariums and other cultural institutions will also be allowed to open again, as long as visitors apply appropriate social distancing.

A busy city cafe with customers sitting down and a barista taking orders.
NSW cafes, pubs and restaurants will be able to welcome 50 people from June 1. Source: Getty Images

It’s likely you’ll have to book ahead for most of these attractions too.

The easing of travel restrictions means there will be a NSW ski season this year. However, Mr Barilaro said “ski resorts will need time to put COVID plans into place” and NSW ski resorts have been allowed to open from June 22.

As of June 1, the pubs, cafes and restaurants in NSW will have the most relaxed social distancing restrictions in the country, apart from the Northern Territory.

Venues will be allowed to welcome 50 people, but patrons will not be allowed to stand up, mingle or dance, and must stay four square metres away from each other. The one person per four square metre rule will apply so numbers will be limited at smaller venues.

Before entering a venue, people will have to leave their name and phone number so they can be contacted by health authorities in case there is a COVID-19 outbreak.

Bookings will be limited to 10 people, and there will be no buffets or share plates available.

Outdoor bootcamps with 10 or fewer people are already permitted, and there’s talk that indoor gyms and yoga studios might open later in June, although there is no definite date yet.

We’re looking at all these restrictions coming off over the next month or so,” Mr Barilaro said.

“I’m confident if (the) industry plan is right, we’ll be able to make announcements around that.”

However, it looks as though sports courts in public parks will remain closed.

Changes in Victoria from June 1

Coronavirus restrictions haven’t eased as much in Victoria as in many states yet, so when June 1 rolls around, more things will be opening up, bringing them in to line with most other states.

However, Premier Daniel Andrew warned that there is a “long and extensive set of rules” which people must abide by in order to keep coronavirus infections under control.

Australians are looking forward to coronavirus restrictions being lifted. Source: AAP
Australians are looking forward to coronavirus restrictions being lifted. Source: AAP

Restaurants, pubs, cafes and bars will be allowed to serve 20 patrons, who are sitting 1.5m apart from each other. Alcohol will only be served with meals, and table service only is allowed.

Patrons must leave their name and phone number for contact tracing if necessary.

“On June 22, three weeks later, they can be increased to 50, and in July, so three or four weeks after, we will look to move to 100 patrons in a closed space,” Mr Andrews said.

Playgrounds and skateparks will reopen on June 1, as well as indoor and outdoor swimming pools, with a maximum of three people per lane, and 20 people in a pool at one time.

Outdoor sport will be allowed for 20 people.

Gyms, indoor sports centres and fitness centres will be allowed to hold 20 people from June 22, who must stay four square metres apart.

Intrastate travel, including stays at hotels, motels, camping and caravan parks and other accommodation, will be permitted. However communal bathrooms and kitchens can’t be used.

Galleries, museums, historic sites, outdoor amusement parks, zoos, and libraries will all be open for a maximum of 20 people who are abiding by the four square metre rule.

Pictured is a family driving a suv car with hands sticking out the window.
People will be able to travel within the state in Victoria. Source: Getty

From June 22, 50 people allowed to go to the cinema, concert or theatre.

Ski resorts will also open from June 22, with Mt Buller the first to announce their operating plans, such as pre-booking resort entry and lift access.

Beauty treatments such as nail salons, tanning, waxing, spas and massage parlours can all have 20 patrons, as long as social distancing is applied.

Social gatherings will also be permitted from June 1, with 20 people allowed in one house (including the homeowners and children).

Twenty people, plus the couple and celebrant, are now allowed at weddings, and funerals can have 50 people, plus the funeral staff.

Places of worship will also be open for 20 people who are social distancing.

South Australia’s new rules from June 1

Pictured is a young women flexing muscles in fitness gym centre.
Gyms could reopen in NSW later this month. Source: Getty

South Australia’s Premier Steven Marshall has brought forward the lifting of stage 2 restrictions from June 5 to June 1, as they have had just one new coronavirus case in the state since April 22.

“These great results give us confidence to gradually and carefully lift the restrictions and get us back to normality,” he said.

Beauty treatments in nail salons, beauty salons, tattoo and massage parlours can reopen, as long as clients stay four square metres apart from each other.

Pubs, cafes and restaurants will allow venues to have up to 80 patrons provided they are contained to groups of 20 in separate rooms or areas, and alcohol can also be served to customers as long as they are seated.

Buffets are not allowed.

Gyms and indoor fitness centres can have 20 people in at one time, as long as they are adhering to social distancing. Non-contact sports will also resume on June 1.

From June 25 contact sports and outdoor competitions will also be allowed to start again.

Intrastate travel is already allowed, but from June 1, cinemas, theatres, galleries and museums will be allowed 20 people in at one time.

Driving lessons will also be able to restart, as long as the student and instructor physically distance.

Funerals of 30 people are already allowed, but that will increase to 50, plus funeral staff as of June 1.

Coronavirus rules to change in Queensland

The easing of several restrictions planned for June 12 in Queensland have been brought forward to June 1.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced up to 20 people will be allowed in venues such as people’s homes, as well as restaurants, cafes, pubs, clubs and hotels (although bars or gaming venues won’t be reopened).

It also includes cinemas, beauty salons, gyms and yoga studios, places of worship, indoor and outdoor pools, open homes and auctions, museums, galleries, and weddings.

From June 12, 20 people will be allowed in pubs in Queensland. Source: Getty
From June 12, 20 people will be allowed in pubs in Queensland. Source: Getty

Outback venues will be allowed to have 50 people. From July 10, all these venues will be allowed to have 100 people.

Queenslanders will be able to travel freely throughout the state from midday on Monday bringing some business for cash-strapped tourist operators, however state borders remain closed. uUder the Biosecurity Act 2015 there are still restrictions on entry to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Community outdoor sport for non-contact competitions involving up to 20 people will also resume on June 1.

Changes to virus rules in Western Australia

As of May 29, all regions of WA, except the Kimberley and areas bounded by the Commonwealth biosecurity determination, will be reopened in time for the WA Day long weekend, announced Premier Mark McGowan.

“We are working closely with the Federal Government on a way forward to remove the Commonwealth biosecurity areas [including Broome] from Friday June 5,” he said.

“This is around two weeks earlier than the anticipated deadline set by the Federal Government and is consistent with the Northern Territory.”

Women's rugby team walking together towards sunset.
Community sport could be back mid-June. Source: Getty

From June 2, two people will be permitted to visit others at one time in public hospitals.

Current gathering limits allow 20 people in homes and outdoors in WA.

WA will ease restrictions on June 6, ditching the four-square-metre rule, in favour of a two-square-metre rule.

Public gathering limits will be raised to 100, including cafes, pubs and restaurants. Venues with multiple divided spaces can have up to 300 patrons.

Beauty parlours, arcades, galleries, museums, cinemas, zoos, food courts, playgrounds and wildlife and amusement parks will reopen come June 6.

Interstate travellers are still not allowed, as the state will maintain its border closure, while intrastate borders apart from northern biosecurity zones reopened previously.

Rottnest Island is also set to reopen.

Changes to coronavirus rules in the Northern Territory

The NT is already ahead of most of the country in terms of lifting its restrictions.

It’s due to move to stage three on June 5, when the following will happen:

The two-hour limit on people being in venues such as beauty salons, gyms, restaurants, cafes and other public places will be lifted.

Man pouring maple syrup on pancakes with banana and strawberry.
Cafes will slowly allow more people inside. Source: Getty

Bars and clubs will be allowed to open without having to serve food, and people can visit amusement parks, licensed gaming venues, sporting arenas and stadiums as long as seating is appropriately socially distanced.

Team sports will also be allowed to restart.

Internal border controls that restrict access to indigenous communities will remain in place until at least June 18.

Tasmania coronavirus changes

Tasmania won’t move into stage two until June 15, although students in year 7 to 10 will return to school on June 9.

From June 15, the following will be allowed: 20 people will be able to visit restaurants, gyms, cinemas, museums, open homes and auctions as long as social distancing is applied.

Indoor and outdoor pools will also be open for 20 people who are swimming but not spectating, and outdoor community sport will be allowed with up to 20 people involved.

An empty playground is seen at St Kilda primary school in Melbourne.
Students in years 7 to 10 will return to school on June 9 in Tasmania. Source: Getty

From July 13, subject to health advice, most of these venues will be allowed to accommodate between 50 and 100 people.

Intrastate travel will open up, with people allowed to stay overnight in hotels, campsites and caravan parks, provided they adhere to appropriate physical distancing.

Beauty salons, including nail salons, tanning, massage and tattoo parlours will reopen.

From July 13, aged care residents will be able to receive five visitors at a time, with several visits a week allowed.

Bars, casinos and gaming venues will also be allowed to reopen.

ACT coronavirus changes

As of June 1, Canberra residents will be allowed to travel into NSW for a holiday.

Chief Minister Andrew Barr has announced that the ACT will move to stage two restrictions on May 30, then to stage three on June 19, as long as infections stay under control.

Midsection of friends sharing popcorn in theatre.
Cinemas will reopen in the ACT on May 30. Source: Getty

This means that gyms, beauty salons and cinemas will reopen on May 30, and 20 people will be allowed to gather at one time.

On June 19, hotels and accommodation will potentially reopen, gatherings of up to 100 people will be allowed and pubs and clubs will reopen too.

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