'I'm fearing for my life': Pregnant woman terrified of being deported

Eleanor Mapp is pregnant and desperate but Australian Immigration wants to put her on an aircraft within days and send her back to the United States.

Thirty year old Eleanor and her doctors believe the flight could kill her and her unborn child.

"I'm scared, I'm fearing for my life," she said.

"If I get sent back home my unborn child, as well as myself, will die."

Eleanor has had four high risk pregnancies, three of them with her Australian partner.

Baby Mia was born premature at 24 weeks and sadly died two days later.

Baby Mia was born premature and died two days later. Source: 7 News
Baby Mia was born premature and died two days later. Source: 7 News

Eleanor also lost twins during another pregnancy.

Her doctor Alida Lancee has told immigration authorities that "without proper high leveal obstetric care, Eleanor and her baby are at high risk of dying and it is too risky to send her back to the USA until her baby is born."

Eleanor lives with her partner and her partner's family, who support her.

Her bridging visa runs out today and tomorrow she fears a knock on the front door.

Eleanor says she fears a knock on the door from immigration. Source: 7 News
Eleanor says she fears a knock on the door from immigration. Source: 7 News

If she survives the flight back to the US, she will be alone and destitute with no money, home or healthcare.

"I'd be out on street, like I said. I'd be poor, out on the streets, nowhere to go."