Vic firies demand compensation security

Victorian firefighters say they are committed to protecting the community at all costs but reckon it's about time they got a better deal for subsequent cancer-related illnesses.

They are calling on the government to introduce a compensation law removing the onus of proof for all firefighters diagnosed with certain cancers, to increase the number of successful WorkCover claims.

Firefighter Tony Martin, who has had prostate cancer removed and a tumour shrunk in his pancreas, says he can't understand why legislation has not yet been introduced.

"We will always be protecting the community of Victoria, no matter what we do we will always go into the burning structures and whatever is in there will, over time, possibly get into our skin," he told reporters on Wednesday.

"And we're never going to stop that. All we want is the protection that the government can look after us for doing our job."

Former CFA chief officer Brian Potter died from cancer this year and was passionate about standing up for firefighters' compensation rights.

His daughter Meagan Clauscen said her family was devastated legislation had not yet been introduced in Victoria, especially because her dad had fought so hard for it.

"He wanted to see protection for all the firefighters," she said.

"He wanted to see everyone else was going to be looked after."

Greens MP Colleen Hartland is calling for all parties, especially the current coalition government, to commit to introducing fair protections for firefighters if they win the November election.

"They've had over two years now to bring in presumptive legislation for firefighters. They refuse to commit. They keep saying they're waiting for studies," she told reporters.

"The science is in, just move on with it.

"We do know firefighters suffer from cancer because of their work."