Ute driver shamed for 'garbage parking effort' outside Coles: 'Idiots'

A Melbourne driver has been roasted online for their questionable parking attempt in a Coles car park, with one person comparing it to "garbage".

Photos of the parking effort were shared on Facebook by a perplexed bystander who saw the large ute frustratingly taking up two car spaces near the entrance of the supermarket, believed to be in Pakenham.

While the vehicle fits neatly between the two side lines, the back of the ute hangs over into the car space behind preventing anyone else from parking there.

Grey ute parking in Coles shopping centre car park across two spaces
The ute driver was slammed for parking across two car spaces at a Melbourne shopping centre. Source: Facebook

It appears the ute could have driven through one car space to get to the other, but they failed to roll forward to the front of the lines and instead parked across both spaces.

The poster revealed it was early morning and the car park wasn't busy, but he did "witness two drivers try to park in the spot, only to drive off frustrated."

"I won't indulge comments defending this garbage parking effort," the poster wrote on Facebook.

"I expect tradies to defend this 'large vehicle parking'."

Social media reacts to 'sh*t' parking effort

Swarms of locals flocked to the comments to share their frustrations, with one saying "this car park attracts idiots".

"I shop here and honestly so many car accidents," they wrote. "I had a woman reverse into my car once, but I see something crazy here at least once a week."

Even a tradie with a big ute of his own chimed in to say, this is "sh*t parking regardless."

Grey ute parked at shopping centre car park near trolley bay
The bystander who captured the photos said others tried to park in the space, but couldn't. Source: Facebook

"No self-respecting tradie would defend that," another wrote

Some defended the parking attempt and didn't think it was so bad.

One argued large cars are "allowed to take up as many spots as you need," but others didn't agree.

Another said they often park their own large ute "like that," implying some vehicles don't fit in a regular space.

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