Two cycles dance in the funniest wreck of the year

Somebody turn a hose on those two cycles, quick! (And no, I don't know why there's square-dance music on there. Just bow to your partner and roll with it.)

As the YouTube comments that accompanied this clip tell us, this wreck was "Sur le circuit de Magny-Cours, épreuve du championnat Promosport : deux pilotes chutent et leurs motos s'entremêlent et continuent de tourner au sol!" Exactly what I was thinking.

For those of you who don't read French, our handy translator says that means "On the circuit of Magny-Course, test of the Promosport championship: two pilots fall and their motor bikes intermingle and continue to turn on the ground!" The French: masters of the obvious.

Anyway, don't try this at home. Please.

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