Trump Is Ramping Up His Absurd Claims That He Is Anti-War

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is running online ads claiming that he’s getting America “OUT of Endless Wars” and “will NEVER stop fighting to restore peace around the world” ― a dubious statement from a president who has deployed the largest non-nuclear bomb ever and overseen a dramatic increase in U.S. military strikes killing civilians abroad.

The ads, which are running on Facebook, are part of a broader effort by Trump and his allies to credit him with getting the U.S. out of unpopular military interventions abroad, as well as to collect contact information they can use to encourage potential supporters to vote and donate. And after decades of bellicose rhetoric from much of the right, they show how some Republicans now believe the smarter political move is to fight on anti-war terrain.

“Thanks to President Trump’s leadership, his administration has taken out two of the world’s top terrorist leaders, successfully decimated [the Islamic State], and has been committed to getting the United States OUT of Endless Wars,” reads a message the Trump campaign began promoting on Facebook on July 30. The late “top terrorist leaders” likely refers to Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

“President Trump will NEVER stop fighting to restore peace around the world, and now he needs to know he has your support!” the ad continues. “Sign NOW to show your support for the end of ENDLESS WARS!”

The same text is used as a caption for various images, some of which include 1960s-style psychedelic graphics, peace signs and slogans like “Peace Not War” and “Support Peace.” Other graphics with photos of Trump label him “the negotiator of peace” and say he “stopped America from getting into endless wars.” The ads are being shown in multiple states, according to Facebook, including Texas and three crucial to Trump’s reelection bid ― Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Trump ads currently running on Facebook. They do not mention his use of the so-called "Mother of All Bombs."
Trump ads currently running on Facebook. They do not mention his use of the so-called "Mother of All Bombs."

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