Top 5 tips to keep fit while travelling

Long flights inevitably mean swollen limbs, bad food, changing time zones, dry cabin air, poor sleep and ever-likely delays. When combined this can mean we don’t always arrive at our destination feeling our best. To help combat the perils of modern holidays and business travel, follow these top 5 tips for maintaining your health when travelling.

1 – Make the most of hotel facilities such as pools & gyms.

Even a simple 20 minute workout will help energise the body and release neurotransmitters to help you sync your body clock to the local time zone. Take advantage of premium facilities and vary your normal routine with 10 minute efforts on cardio machines or a simple strength circuit. Also take advantage of the hotel pool with a swim or take to the streets for a walk to help swollen limbs recover, relax stiff muscles and optimise blood circulation.

2 – Explore your new destination.

Walk or run around the city to explore the sights. Ask the hotel staff for directions to a nice local park, coastal path or lookout. Or take a trip along the High Street to get a sneak peek of local life at the same time as maintaining your fitness. Adventurous travellers can incorporate long walks into their sightseeing. Walk out in the morning to the furthest point to start your day and zig-zag your way back across the city towards the hotel by day’s end.

3 – Keep it simple!!

Holidays aren’t about peak performance so go with realistic expectations. Aim for 20 plus minutes of a variety of exercise to MAINTAIN your fitness and not slip into bad habits while you’re away. Don’t aim for the stars and you won’t be disappointed if the new surrounds derail your usual fitness routine.

4 – Use meals to your advantage

For many of us the breakfast buffet can spell disaster to our healthy eating practices, but use the buffet to your advantage. Ignore the high fat, high sugars temptations and take advantage of fresh fruits, juices, cereals, yoghurts, muesli and toast to create a complete breakfast without all the cost and preparation required at home.
Turn lunch & dinners into the highlight of your day with a special meal at a picturesque location or restaurant and choose a delicious and healthy local delicacy rather than fast food on the move.

5 - Plan ahead to take advantage of healthy opportunities

Plan your next day’s activities with exercise in mind; be it a morning run, gym session or active sightseeing. Before departing set out your exercise calendar as you would the rest of your itinerary. Also prepare a simple exercise plan to do in your room or the hotel gym so you’re not left wondering what to do. The more prepared you are the more successful (and healthy!) you’ll be in the long run.

Spend some time planning your meals as well. Have simple healthy snacks in your bag in case of delays or seek out a sandwich bar or Japanese restaurant for healthy options, rather than hitting the burger bar or bain-marie of doom.

Enjoy your travels and follow these Top 5 Tips to return from your trip feeling relaxed and in great shape.

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