To infinity and beyond

A team of Baldivis mums is taking to the skies to raise money for fellow mothers in need of financial assistance.

MotherJumpers is a nationwide skydiving fundraiser activity created by Motivating Mum, a support network for mums in business, to raise money for not-for-profit organisation Support for Mums.

Candice Keeble and Kassandra Rupert will leap from 14,000 feet in York on Sunday to raise money for the worthy cause.

Miss Keeble said the charity assisted mums and their families in circumstantial crisis.

‘‘The charity we are jumping for provides support for mums who are suffering from depression or just need some help, they may have a premature baby and need some help cleaning the house or paying parking fees at the hospital,’’ she said.

‘‘The reason I want to jump is because I had a really great pregnancy and a fairly good birth and I had a pretty good support network, but I know a lot of people who don’t so basically I am doing it for them.’’

Fellow MotherJumper Kassandra Rupert said there were many women who did not know where to go for help.

‘‘I suffered from post natal depression after I had both my children and I was lucky to have a great support network — there are a lot of women who will sit and suffer in silence,’’ she said.

‘‘It is about raising awareness that there is help out there.’’

The ladies have raised more than $400 each and hope to reach the $800 mark.

To donate visit and search for MotherJumpers.