Jamie lands a big one

Eighteen-year-old Jamie Goodchild’s catch turned crusty when a 205mm green mud crab disturbed his fishing at Collie River on Wednesday.

Mr Goodchild said he was fishing when he saw the crustacean near the shore of the Collie River in Eaton.

“I was fishing down at the Collie River when I saw this mud crab crawling along in the shallows,” he said.

“I quickly ran over to my brother and it took both us to pick it up.”

Jamie's green mud crab measured 205mm across the shell and weighed 1.47kg.

Mr Goodchild has fished the Collie River a few times since moving to East Bunbury two weeks ago but was not expecting to find the enormous green mud crab, which weighed 1.47kg.

“I was shocked, I’ve never seen a mud crab in my life, let alone caught one,” he said.

The typical habitat for the green mud crab is Western Australia’s north-west, but it is believed that the Leeuwin Current brings the species to southern waters.

Mr Goodchild said he had to fight the crab while the photo was being taken.

“The strength of the claws was almost pulling my hands in as I’m trying to hold it,” he said.

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