The Sip #26 - Stone & Wood Stone Beer

Long-time beer drinker Ross Lewis puts some of Australia's top drops to the test.

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Plenty of labels give drinkers a hint of what they are putting to their lips.

One of Australia’s more popular craft brewers have used their brand name to give a little insight into their sensationally balanced new beer.

Stone and Wood have adopted some ancient techniques to produce their keenly awaited seasonal drop. And the method, appropriately, relies on stone and wood.

But there is a lot of love, nurtured by a caravan called Bonnie, behind the also aptly titled Stone Beer.

Head brewer Brad Rogers came across some rocks from Fiji several years ago and thought the special stones could be used in a special beverage at the company’s original Byron Bay enterprise.

He has perfected their use but has turned the whole process into a communal affair.

Family and friends gather at the brewery to watch Rogers’ team heat up the rocks on a wood fire before adding them to the kettle to rouse the boil and lift the malt character of the brew.

And while they watch the spectators toast the occasion with some of Stone and Wood’s best products from a crew inside Bonnie.

Brewers in the Middle Ages used stones and wood to produce their daily beer. Apart from the steam the heated rocks tickles the brew to deliver some strong coffee flavours.

Stone and Wood believe their current incarnation of the brew is darker than previous years and has dark chocolate characters.

Aussie hops Helga and Sylva give the ale a strong kick.

There is a hint of toast and roasted malts and in the middle the taste of dried fruits.

At 6.9 per cent volume the drinker has to be careful with consuming this tipple. But the taste is so enduring that you’ll find it difficult to stop at one.

Just so you can understand the process Stone and Wood have produced a special video highlighting all the best parts of brewing day.

Catch the Stone and Wood brew day video

The Sip Snip
Stone Beer
Brewer: Stone and Wood, NSW
Style: Altbier
Alcohol content: 6.9%
Standard drinks: 3.6
Bitterness: N/A
Bottles: 500ml bottle
Estimated calories: 165

The Sip Tip (rating): Straight to the man cave.

Average prices: $8.00 (500ml bottle).