The Russian dashcam revolution

But authorities are doing nothing to stop it.

Sunday Night reporter Denham Hitchcock travelled to Moscow to witness one of the illegal street races that are just a part of the madness that takes place on Russian roads.

"Each and every driver here has paid a $10 entrance fee, but that money doesn’t go to the organisers, it goes straight into the pockets of police in return for them looking the other way," he said.

But for regular drivers the death toll is a huge 30,000 per year and they are using dashcams to keep these officials at bay, and save lives.

Mikhail Podorozhansky is the editor of Russia's top-selling car magazine and says Russian drivers with little or no training experienced an influx of high-powered European cars after the Cold War.

"They were not prepared, they were not ready, they were like 'wow you can accelerate like that' and so on."

"Crazy drivers, they feel that the engine power means also their own power."

But dashcams are catching more than just accidents and illegal street racing - they have become a YouTube phenomenon.

One in three cars is fitted with a dashcam, which resulted in more than 200,000 clips on YouTube from Russia alone. Even more on dozens of Russian websites.

They have captured spectacular crashes but also incredible news events.

On February 15, 2013, hundreds of dashcams captured the incredible flight of a meteor that was travelling at 70,000km/h and came so close to earth it sent a shock-wave.

Watch the full story in the video above.

Our expert Mikhail Podorozhansky is editor in chief of Russia’s top selling automotive magazine, Autoreview.