Swimmers request drum line removal

Swimmers request drum line removal

The organisers of the HBF Rottnest Channel Swim have asked the State Government to remove shark-kill drum lines off Cottesloe ahead of the annual open-water swim.

It was unclear if the lines would be in place off metropolitan beaches before the February 22 event, but Rottnest Channel Swim Association president David Corney said there were concerns they might attract sharks.

"Whether it makes a difference or not I really don't know, but if there is any risk of baits attracting sharks the earlier removal (of the drum lines) will mitigate that," Mr Corney said.

He said the association was in "amicable" talks with the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

It wanted the drum lines removed at least a week before the channel swim.

"(We want to) be able to tell our swimmers that the drum lines won't be anywhere near the changeover spot, 1km offshore, and won't be there for a reasonable period prior," he said.

Mr Corney said the association had no opinion on cull policy, and was only concerned with ensuring the safety of its swimmers.

He said with a record 3000 applications received this year, the threat of sharks had not deterred competitors.