Superstar of cricket set for visit

The Goldfields’ junior cricketers will have the chance to learn from the best as England captain and star Western Fury recruit Charlotte Edwards visits the region later this month.

Edwards signed on as the Fury’s captain for the 2014-15 season in June and will visit the region between November 13 and 15 to promote women’s cricket.

The 2008 ICC women’s cricketer of the year will conduct school visits in Coolgardie and run a girls-only and In2cricket clinic in Kalgoorlie.

She will also give a presentation to coaches and help run a Twenty20 cricket carnival.

WA Cricket Association Goldfields regional cricket officer Matthew Cowie hoped Edwards’ visit would inspire the region’s female players to pursue a future in the game.

“We’re pretty lucky to have an international player of Charlotte’s calibre to come up to the Goldfields,” he said.

“She’s been one of the better players over the last five to 10 years in the female game, where she has scored over 2000 T20 runs.”

Fury assistant coach Aaron Hamilton will also visit the Goldfields as part of the Department of Sport and Recreation’s regional talent development project.