Billy Connolly unplugged

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Loud, opinionated and endlessly funny – Sunday Night goes one-on-one with Billy Connonlly, the former welder who survived a brutal childhood to become a show business megastar. The straight-talking Scot takes on the Catholic Church, details his descent into alcoholism and reveals the chance meeting that turned his life around. But it’s what happens when he thinks the cameras aren’t rolling that reveals Billy best of all.

Billy plays the King of Scotland in his latest film, Disney Pixar’s Brave. Set in ancient times, it’s an adventure packed tale of a young princess who defies tradition and carves her own path in life. It's the first film of its kind to feature a young girl in the main role. Billy provides his voice along with the likes of.

Brave is released nationally on 21st June.

Check out Disney's Australian Facebook page for more information.