Murder and cowardice

4 March, 2012
Producer: Sarah Bamford
Reporter: Ross Coulthart
Click here for full transcript

In an explosive investigation Sunday Night examines the events surrounding the horrific deaths of four men – including young Aussie dad Aaron Houweling (pictured) – in the Gulf of Mexico last year.

An Australian marine company stands accused in a US court of “cowardice and murder” and of breaking maritime code, abandoning men in peril on the ocean.

Ross Coulthart investigates why the Captain of the Australian-owned ship turned his back on Aaron and nine of his workmates as they clung to a life raft in mountainous seas in the middle of a tropical storm.

Now, as a multi-million dollar lawsuit is launched in the United States, Sunday Night uncovers the shocking story and attempts to answer the key questions about the tragedy.

Read statement provided by Mermaid Marine to Sunday Night [PDF]

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