Spreading festive cheer

Christmas is a time of year to spend with your loved ones, so it’s not hard to imagine how difficult the festive season can be for people separated from their family and friends.

A dedicated team from Rockingham RSL club has been working hard for the past few months to make sure Australian Defence Forces personnel, serving in Afghanistan, have a little something to cure their homesickness.

Teresa Hill and Dianne Nelson’s husbands both served in Vietnam and understand the separation serving ADF personnel feel during the holidays.

The pair are part of a group which has been compiling packages bound for troops.

Rockingham RSL president Bob Gillmore said he was pleased by the time and effort taken to remember troops.

“It’s nice to know people still care about the servicemen and women who are overseas, when they should be at home with their families,” he said.

To donate send magazines, lollies or savouries, no heavier than 2kg, to the RSL club.