Six Flags eliminates unlimited food plan after TikTok trend

Six Flags announced it was ending its unlimited food plan after TikTok personalities bragged about exploiting it to eat every meal there.

Video transcript

SEANA SMITH: A TikTok trend hitting Six Flags's bottom line, and the amusement giant is doing something about it. So the company is scrapping its unlimited meal plan after a series of TikTok videos showed people how to take advantage and obtain thousands of dollars worth of food. It was just an $80 add-on to a season pass.

One TikToker saying that their season pass cost them less than 200 bucks. So all you had to pay in theory was at most 280, probably around 250, 260. This one TikToker, Dave, was trying to get up to $2,000 worth of food, taking advantage of the system. And as a result, Six Flags responding, which isn't the first time that we've seen a TikTok trend exploit something and the company having to respond.

DAVE BRIGGS: Yeah, listen to this. 400 meals, 200 snacks under $200. That is a way to beat inflation. I mean, that is impressive, but they say, for the record, it is not because of TikTok nor social media that they canceled this plan. Our assumption is the cost of food inflation has been out of control. We've told you that every day here on this program. That is probably the great reason that it has died. But they say it was 45-minute lines for their All You Can Eat deal.

Rachelle, I can't imagine anyone not on TikTok would actually try to eat this way. First off, it's awful for you. Secondly, how quick are you in and out of a Six Flags, paying for parking, 45-minute experience just to get a meal? There is no way there was anyone living on that food policy.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: I say if you don't want it to be unlimited, don't call it unlimited. If this is what people paid for, let them eat. I mean, obviously, people could choose to eat healthy or not, but if they're going to go through that, like you said, the drive there, going in the parking lot, waiting in the long lines, for their $80 that they've added on, I think Six Flags is being a bit stingy. These people, you paid for unlimited. Don't say it if you don't mean it. But I do understand, obviously, you have to adjust for inflation and everything. But look, people are going through tough times. If people want to eat a bunch of food and go on some rides, let them live. Let them live.

SEANA SMITH: Well, and one, I guess, response could have been, they could have just simply raised the price for it. If it was in response to inflation, they could have said, hey, 80 bucks is actually a really good deal. So even if you raise it to 120, 150, I mean, you're going to get the people that are exploiting it. So maybe they still won't be making money on it. But at least it would be a step in the right direction. You could still offer the unlimited. I don't know.

DAVE BRIGGS: Offer it as a daily option, not for the people with the season pass because that, clearly, is where the loophole exists. The bottom line is TikTok ruins everything.


DAVE BRIGGS: It just ruins everything, Rachelle.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: I disagree. I get some of my best cardio [INAUDIBLE] some of the dances on TikTok.

SEANA SMITH: And recipes. And recipes.