Shopper divides internet with 'savage' solution to car park problem

A US shopper has publicly shamed a woman over a lazy car park act, posting the "savage" moment online and sparking a lively debate about shopping trolley etiquette.

The prankster, who creates content under the name 'Fred Beyer', recorded the encounter in which he initially appears to be helping the woman who dumped her trolley in an adjacent parking spot.

"Is this your trolley?" he asks as she's about to drive away.

When she confirms that it is, he says; "Okay I'll take it".

"Thank you so much," the woman replies. However her gratitude no doubt quickly evaporates mere seconds later.

In an apparent act of punishment, Fred promptly leaves the trolley sitting behind her car, blocking the woman from reversing out.

Two images side by side showing a TikToker videoing a Walmart shopper in her car, asking her whether a shopping trolley is hers, before moving it behind her car so she can't reverse out. Source: TikTok / zachcray
A Walmart shopper has shared on TikTok the controversial way he made someone realise they should've left their trolley in the right place. Source: TikTok / zachcray

Social media users react to trolley act

Some people took to the comments to praise his cheeky stitch up, believing shoppers shouldn't dump their trolleys but instead put them in the designated trolley bays.

"Hahahahaahahah yes!" one person wrote. "I cannot stand a person who doesn’t put their cart away."

"A level of petty that I can appreciate," another said.

However others thought the TikToker should've expressed a bit more empathy towards the woman.

"It's harder for older people with a disability to walk it back," one person said.

One person even spoke of their own experience about why they don't put it back.

"When I get a cart, I get it from the parking lot because it helps me walk due to my rheumatoid arthritis," they said.

"I don’t put the cart back because it’s hard to."

Some thought dumping trolleys complicates the jobs of staff, however one trolley collector actually commented on the video saying they don't mind it.

"As a cart collector, just leave them anywhere," they said.

Coles trolley gripe sparks major debate

While the TikToker put the trolley into a car space to teach the woman a lesson, a Coles shopper shared her frustration with people leaving trolleys in parking spots.

Media personality Samantha X posted a photo on Twitter showing a trolley believed to be from Coles parked right in the middle of a car space in an underground car park.

The Coles trolley was left in the middle of a car space with many admitting it was frustrating. Source: Twitter
The Coles trolley was left in the middle of a car space with many admitting it was frustrating. Source: Twitter

Samantha X's tweet triggered an onslaught of replies from frustrated customers who admit the "annoying" move infuriates them.

"Drives me nuts seeing this. Especially when the trolley bay is usually max 10 metres away,” one annoyed Twitter user wrote.

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