Search for owners of lost swearing parrot

A foul-mouthed parakeet who has shocked and amused veterinary staff at a Templestowe clinic is looking to be reunited with his lost owners.

The Indian ringneck bird, who has a tendency to curse, was taken in by an elderly couple when he turned up on the doorstep of their Templestowe home in late November.

Staff at Vets on Parker have been caring for the bird ever since and are keen to track down his lost family.

Describing him as a bird with a lot of spunk, nurse Joanne Amos said: "The couple opened the door and he wandered in like he owned the place.

"He's got a lot of spunk."

Ms Amos said the bird was not wearing a band or microchip but she believed its owners could also live in the Templestowe area.

"His wings are partially clipped so he can't fly very far," she told NewsCorp.

He's got a lot of spunk': Ballsy parakeet who likes to swear is looking for its lost family. Photo: Facebook
He's got a lot of spunk': Ballsy parakeet who likes to swear is looking for its lost family. Photo: Facebook

The bird is well-known for his use of choice language and his love of television and macaroni and cheese.

He also likes to say 'hi' and hello'.

"We're not sure of his age but he is fully grown," Ms Amos said.

For further details contact the clinic on 9850 1355.

Morning news break – December 5