Adelaide research aims to help heart patients

Adelaide research aims to help heart patients

FIRST ON 7: New Adelaide research could help heart patients spend less time in hospital and more time at home.

A two year trial at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) is aiming to boost survival rates and improve quality of life for patients.

Lead investigator Professor Prash Sanders said the study would be: “A collaboration of every heart rhythm specialist in the country.”

It will test ways to improve cardiovascular function in patients who also suffer from an irregular heartbeat.

“It is essentially racing at a rate of around 400 to 600 beats a minute,” Prof Sanders said.

“This competes with the pace maker and doesn’t allow it to function mechanically, to improve heart function.”

Each year, 30,000 Australians are diagnosed with heart failure and continual hospitalisation costs the economy more than $1 billion annually.

Researchers are looking for almost 600 eligible patients to take part.

Anyone who believes that they might be eligible for the trial is encouraged to talk to their cardiologist.

For further information, contact Professor Prash Sanders on (08) 8222 2723 or visit the SAHMRI website at [|].