Renter’s plight over city view highlights common problem affecting Aussies

The skyscraper's construction will soon obscure the stunning city view.

As the country’s population continues to rapidly grow, constant construction is a common problem for most city-dwelling Aussies.

But one renter has been left counting down the days till they lose their city view as a tower blook shoots up in front of their home.

The Melbourne resident took to social media site Reddit to ask experts to predict how long until the 32-storey building blocks his view of the cityscape for good.

A building site has been erected in front of a renter's apartment which has views of Melbourne.
The stunning city view will soon be obstructed. Source: Reddit

An outpouring of responses predicted that it would take the building company between 5 days and a few weeks for the view to disappear.

"They'll be aiming for at least a level every 10 days,” said one industry veteran.

‘Not the apartment we rented’

The resident, who revealed that they rent the apartment, said he doesn’t know how long until the construction is completed. They add that they intend to move in the near future.

“It's definitely not the same apartment that we rented,” the poster said, adding that their rent recently went up too.

While some Aussies were sympathetic to the poster’s problem with one commenting “RIP view,” others said the poster shouldn’t be surprised.

“If you live in a skyscraper, you should not be surprised that a skyscraper appears next door,” said one Aussie.

“Either be happy for all the people who will soon be able to live in almost identical circumstances to you, or move.”

“You can celebrate the addition of more housing and the good fortune of those who will live there, while also lightheartedly lamenting the loss of your epic skyline view and the rapidity of the construction,” said another. “I reckon you should either chill out, or move.’

Population growth putting pressure on rental market

In September, statistics revealed that national population growth was at its highest level since 2009 at 2.2 per cent.

The fastest-growing part of the country is Western Australia, where the population has swelled by 2.8 per cent followed by Victoria at 2.4 per cent.

The skyrocketing population growth means that cities will need millions more homes to accommodate more people, making this Aussie's problem one that will continue to crop up for city-dwellers.

Forecasts by demographic and residential development company Informed Decisions revealed that 1.3 million more homes will need to be built over the next 18 years in Sydney and Melbourne.

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