Racist customer leaves shocking note for waiter

A waiter claims he’s been the victim of a vile racist attack by a customer who refused to leave him a tip.

Khalil Cavil, 20, who works at a steakhouse in Odessa, Texas, was shocked to find the culprit had written a racist remark on their bill before they left the restaurant on Saturday.

“We don’t Tip Terrorist,” the message read, with a zero written beside Tips on the $108 cheque.

Mr Cavil, a soon-to-be college undergrad at Dallas Baptist University, shared an image of the bill to Facebook the day after saying it left him “sick to the stomach”.

Racist customer leaves shocking note for Texas waiter
The 20-year-old was horrified to discover a racist remark was written on a receipt left by a customer. Source: Facebook/ Khalil Cavil

“Last night at work I received this note from one of my tables. At the moment I didn’t know what to think nor what to say, I was sick to my stomach,” he wrote.

Yet Mr Cavil took a defiant approach to the note and wants to use it to raise awareness of what he prceives to be an existing problem.

“I share this because I want people to understand that this racism, and this hatred still exists. Although, this is nothing new, it is still something that will test your faith,” he said.

“I have decided to let this encourage me, and fuel me to change the world the only way I know how.”

Racist customer leaves shocking note for Texas waiter
Mr Cavil says he wants to use the incident to bring awareness to an deep-rooted problem. Source: Facebook/ Khalil Cavil

The restaurant’s chief operating officer Terry Turney took a hard line on the matter, saying there was no place for racism in the workplace.

“We stand by and support our employee,” he told local publication Odessa American.

“Racism of any form is unacceptable and we have banned this customer from returning to our restaurant.”

Mr Cavil has refused to name and shame the perpetrators and instead wants the incident to prompt others to take a stand against similar behaviours.

“People may overlook that, but I definitely hope this encourages other people — no matter what race, no matter what religion — to voice out that this kind of racism and this kind of hatred is not OK,” he told Odessa American.