Queensland man finds 'vile' lung in KFC meal

A Gold Coast man says a trip to KFC made him feel physically sick when he discovered he had almost bitten into an intact lung.

Marc Nicholls, Surfers Paradise, told News Corp he found the stomach churning offal inside what he was led to believe was a premium chicken breast.

“It was just vile,” he said.

Marc Nicholls said he threw his meal away after discovering this inside. Photo: Marc Nicholls
Marc Nicholls said he threw his meal away after discovering this inside. Photo: Marc Nicholls

“I spat it out and I did feel genuinely sick after it.”

According to Mr Nicholls, staff at the Labrador KFC outlet did not offer a refund on his $11.95 meal, but told him to email the company to make a complaint.

Mr Nicholls said he threw away the meal after the discovery.

He took photos of the three-piece meal, showing a chunk of grey, brain-like offal where there should have been white breast meat.

He also posted a one star review on the store’s Facebook page.

“I never knew chicken brain was on the menu, absolutely rank,” he wrote.

A spokesperson for the company said the unexpected ingredient did not pose a health risk.

They said it was most likely kidney or lung tissue which had mistakenly been left in during processing.

“Most of the time offal is removed in the preparation process but occasionally it may remain,” they said.

“There’s no health risk associated when this occurs but we appreciate that if a customer hasn’t seen this before it may look disturbing.”

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