Prem start no hindrance

Jhett Charles is a picture of health, despite a shaky start when he was born 14 weeks premature in a dramatic roadside delivery three years ago.

His then 26-week pregnant mother Christine Pegg was at her High Wycombe home a few weeks after suffering swine flu, when she went into labour with her second child and called an ambulance.

Her waters broke as the ambulance officers loaded her on to a stretcher in the family driveway, and when it became clear as they drove to King Edward Memorial Hospital they would not make it in time, the vehicle pulled over and an officer helped deliver the tiny baby.

"I remember screaming 'he's coming out' and trying to stop him but he was determined to come out then and there," Ms Pegg said.

"Next minute the ambulance officer had him in his hands and just looked astonished. I think the people driving along Abernethy Road looking in were also pretty stunned."

He is one of 45,000 babies admitted to neonatal intensive and special care units around Australia each year, many helped by the Life's Little Treasures Foundation which is holding its annual Walk for Prems on Sunday.

Ms Pegg, who now lives with her family in Toodyay, will be joining the walk for the first time to help raise funds to support families of premature babies. To donate go to