Revealed: The 10 worst passwords you shouldn't be using

Constantly updating your passwords can be a tedious and challenging task but if it's simplicity you’re going for, there are 10 passwords you should definitely be steering away from.

While password combinations involving your name, or your child’s names may seem easy to remember, the unfortunate reality is that they are also easy to guess.

“To create a strong password, you should use a combination of letters, numbers and symbols; avoid personal information, common words and importantly, avoid reusing passwords,” Queensland Police said in a statement.

If you use a password based on a name, it can be easily broken. Hackers know many people use passwords starting with a capital letter and often use the same password across many sites. Once a hacker works it out, they can gain access to them all!

If any of these 10 passwords seem familiar, it's probably time to change. Source: Getty
If any of these 10 passwords seem familiar, it's probably time to change. Source: Getty

The 10 worst passwords you can use

A password management provider has collected data from last year and listed the ten most hackable passwords online users continue to use.

  1. 123456

  2. Password

  3. 12345678

  4. Qwerty

  5. 12345

  6. 123456789

  7. Letmein

  8. 1234567

  9. Football

  10. Iloveyou

If any of these sound familiar, it may well be time to consider resetting your passwords.

If you get stuck on how to create a stronger password try using at least 12 characters and include symbols such as $,?,% @ in random places to make it more difficult to be broken.