'Tough old girls' beat back would-be robber with walking sticks

A group of self-described “tough old girls” have fought off a would-be robber with everything they had, including walking sticks still in their packaging.

Video shows the attacker striding into the Birrong Pharmacy near closing time on Tuesday evening.

Armed with a sharp weapon, he forces owner Ali Gabila to the safe.

Her staff frantically grab walking sticks from the shelves to fight back.

A third worker rushes in to help.

They corner him at the back of the store and unleash their fury.

The blows keep coming until he breaks free, with the women hot on his heels.

A man in fluoro runs in to help them.

He gets in a kick to the groin before he is pushed out of the way.

“I ran out, and looked in here and saw Ali being threatened and Helen having a go with a walking stick,” an employee named Eileen said.

“So I pressed the emergency button and I grabbed the walking stick… and I had a go.”

Eileen was knocked over too but got back up to give chase.

With a team of defenders like these, it’s no wonder the robber fled empty handed.

Ali was was back at work on Wednesday, bruised but thankful.

“The staff were wonderful,” she told 7 News .

“I’m so proud of them for what they do here.”

The man got away but his face was captured clearly.

He was also spotted on security video nearby making a call as he walked away.

It is possible he was calling the driver of the getaway.

The attacker was last seen walking towards Birrong Boys High School before he got into a black vehicle.

“We’re tough old girls,” Eileen said.

“I hope he’s got a real back headache this morning."