Western Sydney's young achievers

Western Sydney's young achievers

Western Sydney's young achievers

A group of kids who met at school in Sydney's southwest are now helping others achieve their potential.

Former Bulldog Corey Payne and his mates started the Future Direction Network to help kids from western and south-west Sydney get to university.

Last night, they awarded three, $18,000 scholarships to students from Bankstown, Prairiewood and Macquarie Fields.

"Basically what the scholarship means is it has given me breathing space," former Macquarie Fields High student Lauren Pearce said.

The Premier is so impressed, he's kicked in $72,000 over three years for more scholarships.

"It's critical to tell kids from all over Sydney that university is open to them," Premier O'Farrell said.

For more information visit the Future Direction Network website.