National Stroke Week

National Stroke Week

National Stroke Week is the Stroke Foundation’s annual awareness campaign. This year we want Australian's to understand the impact time has on a stroke. A speedy reaction not only influences the treatment path for a person having a stroke but also their recovery. Most treatments for stroke are time sensitive so it is important we Think F.A.S.T. and Act FAST!

Did you know during a stroke 1.9 million brain cells are lost per minute?

This is why it is important to identify the signs and symptoms of stroke F.A.S.T and call ‘000’ immediately.

As part of National Stroke Week 2016 we are encouraging all Australians to:
· Organise an awareness activity
· Fundraise for the Stroke Foundation
· Host a Heath Check

Taking part in the awareness week is a great chance to engage in a fun way with your workplace, friends, sporting or community.
National Stroke Week 2016 will be from 12 - 18 September.

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