Mother's Day memories

A book before bed.

Surely it's every kid's evening ritual.

In my house, Miss Four chooses the book. For some reason last night she decided we should read my baby book.

It's been years since I've opened it. I didn't even know where to start looking.

I had no idea, but somehow Miss Four knew exactly where it was.

It forced me to take that trip down memory lane. To remember my childhood.

And there's that newspaper clipping, glued inside the front cover.

Yep, I was big news the week I was born.

First baby of 1974 at Katoomba Hospital.

It may not have been the busiest of maternity wards. I didn't arrive until 8.08am. On the 2nd of January.

But by some quirk, there was nobody before that.

I've never looked at the timing of my birthday as a blessing. Imagine trying to convince friends to have a few drinks so soon after Christmas and New Year!

But looking at the clipping with Miss Four I realised how lucky I am.

I think the picture the photographer took is the only one I have of my camera-shy mum and me together. I was only hours old. Somehow she still managed to look serene.

This time last year, I wrote about what a wonderful woman she was, and how I would celebrate her along with Miss Four's mum on Mother's Day.

This year, I'll make sure I take plenty of photos of my two precious ladies together.

Collecting memories for much later in life.

Something to rediscover when my grandchildren ask to see their mum's baby book.

Moments to remind us we should value our mothers every day.

Follow Michael on Twitter @MichaelCoombes