The Melbourne cafes selling coffee in a goblet for $150

Cafes in Melbourne have taken the coffee break to a new level, selling lavish $150 coffees served in goblets.

Marwim Shaw, owner of three hipster cafes in Melbourne says he sells at least one of these beverages every week.

The ‘Jose Alfredo’ coffees are sold at the cafes Monk Bodhi Dharma, Admiral Cheng Ho and Bayano the Rebel.

In spite of public exasperation at the treat, Mr Shaw says this cup of joe is a worthwhile investment.

“It’s an amazing experience,” Marwin Shaw, owner of the three cafes said.

“But it’s not just coffee consumers, it’s actually private and wholesale clients as well.”

The ‘Jose Alfredo’ coffee (left). Source: 7News (left)/Getty (file pic) (right)
The ‘Jose Alfredo’ coffee (left). Source: 7News (left)/Getty (file pic) (right)

The $150 coffees have sold out, but the cafes still sell $75 coffees – a relative bargain.

But just when you thought Melbourne has reached peak hipster, another cafe has been charging $18 for a plate of ‘deconstructed’ avocado on toast, which involves a plate of toast and half an avocado that you must smash yourself.

Another Melbourne establishment has been selling spoonfuls of Nutella for $5 each.