Man's major three-hour clean-up after his guilty dogs 'destroy' his office

A naughty pair of destructive dogs have destroyed their owner’s office by breaking a chair and shredding a feather-filled couch – which took 13 large bin bags to clean up.

Chase Evans, 29, was looking forward to going home to relax with his golden retriever Buddy, 10, and his Siberian husky Allie, three months, after a long day at work.

The 29-year-old, from Melbourne, had taken his two pooches for a long run on the morning of March 6 to ‘keep them calm’ while he worked an eight-hour shift – but soon realised it was all in vain.

After returning home, Mr Evans said he knew ‘something was a little off’ when he did not receive his usual eager greeting from Buddy and Allie – so he set out to find them.

Hearing a rustling sound coming from the office, he called out to the dogs again – and was shocked when Buddy quickly ran past him covered in feathers with a ‘guilty look’ on his face.

Melbourne man's house covered in feathers after dogs destroy home office
Chase Evans, 29, knew ‘something was a little off’ when his dogs failed to come to the door when he came home from work. Source: Chase Evans/Caters News

While he thought his pooches may have got into mischief, Mr Evans said he was not prepared for seeing his office ‘completely destroyed’ with a broken chair, shredded couch cushions and thousands of white feathers flying around the room.

But the building surveyor said his happy puppy, Allie, was not at all concerned with the mess she helped create as she was playfully rolling around in the mountain of feathers – which she eventually fell asleep in.

“I had taken the dogs for a long run that morning so they wouldn’t be too restless during the day while I was at work,” Mr Evans said.

“After I got home, I opened the back door to say hello to them, but they weren’t there. I thought it was a bit strange as usually I get a big excited greeting.

“Our office has a door which opens to the backyard which I keep particularly open for the dogs to come and go as they please.

Melbourne man's house covered in feathers after dogs destroy home office
Mr Evans said he was not prepared for seeing his office ‘completely destroyed’ with a broken chair, shredded couch cushions and thousands of white feathers flying around the room. Pictured are Buddy and Allie. Source: Chase Evans/Caters News

“I decided to go have a look there and called out to them. Suddenly Buddy came bounding out and ran straight past me and was covered with feathers.

“He was avoiding me and I thought they might have ripped up one of their toys or something. But when I got to the office, I saw that the couch was completely destroyed with feathers everywhere.

“They had managed to break the desk chair, while also shredding apart four couch cushions and three pillows. It was like we had been hit by a snowstorm.

“I couldn’t believe it, and after I got over the shock, I burst out laughing. Allie was very pleased with herself and jumped all over me and started rolling around in the feathers.

“She even fell asleep in them. They must have been comfortable for her.”

Major clean-up

Mr Evans said it took a gruelling three hours and 13 large bin bags to clean up all the feathers that had exploded from the shredded couch.

He added the destructive duo’s naughty behaviour could have been their ‘revenge’ after he had left them with his mother for two weeks while he went on holiday.

“There is no way I’ll fit all the bags into the bin for collection, it will take weeks. So, I’ve decided to just stuff it into an empty duvet cover and pop it back on the couch for now,” Mr Evans said.

“Luckily it was not an expensive couch and we just got it from the second-hand store.”

Melbourne man's house covered in feathers after dogs destroy home office
Mr Evans with his dogs, golden retriever Buddy, 10, and Siberian husky Allie, three months, Source: Chase Evans/Caters News

Mr Evans said he had a pretty good idea about who instigated the chaos.

“I think Buddy was the ringleader in all this. He is a sweet old boy, but he also has an evil side when it comes to stuffed toys and bedding,” he said.

“Allie cannot be separated from him and she follows him around everywhere. She is a great dog, but definitely the cheeky one that shows no remorse for her actions.

“All their dog toys end up destroyed especially the stuffed ones. The backyard looks like it has been snowing most days.

“Despite their naughty behaviour, they’re still beautiful dogs and I love them to bits. I don’t know what I’d do without them.”