Libra Daily Horoscope – November 7 2020

Today the Moon moves out of the sign of Cancer and enters the sign of Leo, ending the lunar standoff with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. However, just as we think we can look forward to a break, the Moon squares up to Uranus, the planet of sudden disruption. So we find ourselves in the quiet before the storm. Fasten your seatbelts, batten down the hatches and enjoy the wild ride. Use today to secure what is important to you but at the same time, trust the Universe to turn head your head to treasures you never knew existed.
The Moon is now moving through your eleventh house, the sector of the chart that rules your group of extended friends such as those on social media. Ever the belle or beau of the ball, you are busy planning your own social life as well as everyone else’s. Socially distancing may have been a problem initially but now you understand how social platforms work. And most importantly, you have a very good idea of how to make it work for your business plans. Get moving.

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