Kmart called out over 'baffling' toxic ingredient in cooling dog toy

The pet owner had to rush her dog to the vet after he began to froth at the mouth.

Kmart has been called out for selling a pet toy that contains antifreeze — a substance deadly to dogs.

Over the festive period, a pet owner bought the 'fetch cooling bone' for $5.50 for her dog Bandit and admits she was aware it contained the substance but thought it would be fine if she kept an eye on her pet.

"I purposefully gave it to him where I could watch him, but within two minutes I looked away for about 30 seconds and looked back and he was crunching away at the stuff inside," the pet owner from Tasmania wrote online.

Left, dog Bandit appeared healthy before using the Kmart toy however became unwell and frothed at the mouth after consuming the antifreeze (right).
Dog Bandit began to froth at the mouth after consuming antifreeze from the Kmart dog toy. Source: Instagram

After discovering her dog had consumed the substance — with only small quantities being deadly — she rushed Bandit to the vet as his mouth began to foam. The dog was put on fluids and was closely monitored but was later given the all-clear to head home with a full recovery expected.

Dog owner 'baffled' that Kmart sells toy with deadly ingredient

After the ordeal the dog owner admits she should have "known better" and considered not sharing her story due to feeling bad about her decision, however, she believes other pet owners need to learn from her mistake and be warned about the risks.

She also said she was "baffled" that the retailer chooses to sell toys that contain such a "toxic" ingredient for the animals they are intended to be used by. There are warnings on the back of the packaging, however, the dog owner believes the deadly risks should be stated clearer.

"I don't think there is much awareness of ethylene glycol toxicity... I shudder to think of other dog owners who are not aware of the dangers and give it to their dogs," she wrote.

Left, the blue dog done advertised online on Kmart's website for $5.50. Right, the back of the package held up by the pet owner states 'no pet toy is indestructible' and 'for pets safety' owners should inspect them regularly.
The pet toy does have a warning on the packaging however the dog owner believes it should be clearer how dangerous the risks are. Source: Kmart and Instagram

Kmart respond to dangerous pet toy claim

Yahoo News Australia understands this is the first complaint the retailer has received regarding the product but Kmart encourages any customers who have an issue to reach out.

"Safety is always our number one priority, and we always want to hear from customers about any concerns with our products so we can investigate and review," a Kmart spokesperson told Yahoo News.

This is not the first Kmart pet product that has been in the firing line for being dangerous for dogs. A festive themed dog treat was flagged in early December for containing rawhide which can cause choking.

"In regards to rawhide these treats are probably one of the worst things ever created for dogs," Kirra Graham, Director of Pet Drs, told Yahoo News Australia last month. "Rawhide is particularly dangerous as it is a by-product from the leather industry."

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