Horrifying moment Aussie man sets home on fire with kids inside

Domestic violence reports in the state have almost doubled in the last five years.

The man leaning down to set a fluid on the floor alight (left) and the flames erupting (right).
The moment a man set his Albany home on fire with his children inside was captured by a police body cam. Source: WA Police

Police body cam footage has captured the harrowing moment an Australian father set fire to his family home while his children were inside.

Officers entered the home in Albany, Western Australia on April 26 and shouted at the man to "show us your hands" as they approached him. However, within seconds the room erupts in flames as the man appears to light a fluid on the floor. Footage of the incident shows fierce flames quickly pushing police back as those inside the house begin to scream.

Police manage to get inside the home and desperately search for the three children who they know are inside, using fire extinguishers to put out the flames while walking along burnt floorboards and carpet.

The man was later arrested.

The officers involved in the incident have been recognised for their bravery at the WA Police Recognition of Excellence Awards, with one admitting he didn't even have time to consider the risk to his own safety.

"You don't think about being scared, you just hear there's a child in there and you're off," police officer Warren Taylor told 9News.

There has been a significant spike in the number of domestic violence reports in the state, with almost 30,000 incidents occurring between July 2023 and March 2024, according to WA police.

With a 41 per cent increase in reports within the last five years, authorities are proposing stricter laws for those accused of domestic violence, especially regarding gun ownership after two women were fatally shot in May.

"New measures will see police suspend a gun owner's licence and confiscate their firearms as a matter of process every time domestic violence or the threat of domestic violence is reported," Police Minister Paul Papalia said on Tuesday.

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