'Have-a-go hero' helps out London police by tripping fleeing suspect

A London gentleman gave police a helping foot by sticking one out to trip a suspect running away from three officers.

A teen suspected of dealing drugs in Kingston in London's southwest was evading police on foot earlier this month.

The teen suspect was running away from three police.
The teen suspect was running away from three police.

Officers were in pursuit but they were several metres behind the teen who was barrelling along Clarence Street in the evening.

Walking arm-in-arm with a girlfriend, a well-dressed gent thought he would help out the fuzz by putting his leg out right in front of the teen.

A well-timed, casual leg extension sent the young teen flying.
A well-timed, casual leg extension sent the young teen flying.

The man did not even have to take his hands out of his trouser pockets when the teen met his leg and went head over heels into the ground.

Police pounced on the suspect and made an arrest while the gent in tweed carried on with his date.

The man took a quick glance back at his handy work.
The man took a quick glance back at his handy work.

Police and local media have hailed the man a "have-a-go hero" but like most heroes his true identity remains a mystery.

The suspect was released on bail and is due to appear in court in April.

Then the unknown hero carried on with his date.
Then the unknown hero carried on with his date.

It was a smooth move, but not all citizen's arrests go quite as well.

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News break – February 7