Free Webinar | April 2: How to Access your Retirement Account Funds under the new Stimulus Act

Small business owners, like yourself, are wondering how can you access your retirement account funds under the new stimulus act. Well, join us on April 2 at 12PM EST to hear from Mark J. Kohler and Matt Sorenson, nationally respected tax lawyers, as they dive deep into the impact IRS extensions have on your plans and what you can do to help yourself.

During this webinar, Mark and Mat will cover:

  • What are my options for taking distributions from my 401k?

  • How much can I borrow from my 401k and what are the payback terms?

  • When can I make contributions this year and how much?

  • What retirement plan is best for my business?

Plus they will be fielding your questions!

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Hosted by Mark J. Kohler, CPA, attorney, co-host of the podcast Refresh Your Wealth, senior partner at the law firm of KKOS Lawyers and the accounting firm of K&E CPAs, and author of The Tax and Legal Playbook, 2nd Edition and The Business Owner’s Guide to Financial Freedom. Mark will be joined by Mat Sorenson, CEO of Directed IRA, a partner at KKOS Lawyers, best-selling author and a self-directed retirement investor.