Electric vehicle owner slammed for 'entitled' shopping centre move

Drivers were frustrated the Tesla driver parked over two parking bays in an apparent act of desperation.

The black Tesla parked across two parking bays hooked into a charger beside another electric vehicle in the designated parking bay.
The electric vehicle owner was called out for being 'entitled' after parking over two parking bays in Orion Springfield Central shopping centre. Source: Facebook

Electric vehicle owners are being forced to share charging stations with more and more drivers as equipment rollout lags behind the surge in popularity of the cars. While most are exercising patience, one person was slammed for going to unusual lengths to ensure her Tesla was being charged at the expense of others in a shopping centre car park.

On Monday a shopper at Orion Springfield Central in Ipswich, Queensland spotted a Tesla parked over two parking bays and hooked up to the charger, with another electric vehicle (EV) occupying the parking bay the charger belonged to.

It is unclear whether the Tesla owner unhooked the charger from the car or whether the other car had parked in the EV bay without using the charger, however, the shopper condemned the Tesla for taking more than their fair share of space.

"She had to charge... I hope someone parks next to her to block her in," the shopper wrote, posting images online.

Different angles of the Tesla show that it was using two parking spaces in the shopping centre.
It is unclear why the Tesla owner didn't reverse into the parking bay beside the electric vehicle charger. Source: Facebook

Drivers were quick to criticise the move, calling it "entitled" and "annoying" and questioned why she hadn't reversed into one parking bay to reach the charger.


The incident in Ipswich is the latest example of an EV owner being slammed for their approach to parking, with no regard for the issues these drivers often face to recharge.

Last month another Tesla owner was slammed for mounting the the curb, with it later revealed it was their only choice as the short charging cable didn't extend far enough to account for the trailer being towed behind the car.

A Tesla mounted the curb to charge because a trailer towed behind the car blocked access to the short charging cable.
Electric vehicle owners often cop backlash for their parking as they attempt to charge in public areas. Source: EV Stealth

With charging stations in short supply states across the country have implemented fines if drivers of any vehicle park in designated EV bays without using the equipment. In Queensland drivers that block chargers can cop hefty fines of up to $2,757 — the most expensive penalties faced in Australia.


There are currently no fines for removing a charger from an EV, however, it is frowned upon.

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