Dog owner's heartbreaking plea after vicious attack

A dog owner has issued a heart breaking plea to other dog owners after her beloved pet was savagely attacked by an unleashed dog.

Johanna Samson penned the heart felt Facebook post that has since been shared more than 6,500 times, asking dog owners to keep their dogs on a leash in public, regardless of how well-behaved they think their dogs are.

“To all the offleashers, why do you walk your dog without a leash?

“No, I get it your dog is amazing and well trained. Maybe you and your dog have been through extensive training and your dog knows a slew of verbal commands. Or maybe your dog is a service dog or a therapy dog that visits sick kids in the hospital. I get it, you have a good dog,” Ms Samson wrote.

a dog waring a cone and recovering from an attack
Pet owners were left heartbroken when their pooch was attacked by a strange unleashed dog. Source: Facebook/Johanna Samson

The nurse from Michigan said when she is walking her dog, the last thing she should have to be concerned about is how a strange unleashed dog will react to hers.

“The truth is, I don’t care about your dog in that moment. When my fiancé is running with our dog leashed and your dog is unleashed, my concern is for my loved one and our dog, not you or your unleashed dog,” she explained.

Ms Samson who also rides horses explained that she knows animals can act spontaneously and she is always prepared.

“When I’m working with my horse, I don’t think she’s going to purposely spook, but I’m prepared my whole ride for that one time she does take off with me on her. It’s simple, animals are wired to react instinctively,” she wrote.

Johanna Samson with her pet dog and cat
Johanna Samson (pictured) believes all pets should be on a leash in public. Source: Johanna Samson

The animal lover shared a photo of her pet dog, looking miserable in a cone after being approached by a strange dog off the leash while out on a walk.

“You said your dog was okay to approach, but before my fiancé knew it, your dog had latched on to our dog’s head. You stood there and did nothing.

“My fiancé had to fall to the ground and basically suffocate your dog to get her to let go of our dog. If it had been me running with our dog instead, she would be dead,” Ms Samson shared.

After taking their pooch to the vets, she received stitches to put the dog’s “ear back together” and close the “large gash on the side of her head”.

“Now she has stitches, has to wear a cone for two weeks, and whimpers in pain,” Ms Samson continued.

The dog owners are also concerned their pet may suffer from PTSD from the attack and begin to fear other dogs.

“I hope and pray that our dog doesn’t live with these residual effects the rest of her life,” she added.

The passionate plea ended with a caution to dog owners who walk their dog off leash in public areas.

“Next time you want to walk with your dog off leash in a public rec area, think twice. You almost took our dog from us too soon.

“I don’t know how to make you care about other people and their animals, but please let this be a lesson to you. LEASH UP YOUR DOG.”

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