Coronation Street confirms who attacked Nathan Curtis

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Coronation Street has revealed who attacked evil Nathan Curtis in tonight's (May 17) episodes.

Bethany Platt's groomer/abuser returned to the cobbles recently, and is a major suspect in Lauren Bolton's disappearance. He was attacked by a mysterious assailant and put in hospital, with everyone on street pointing fingers.

David Platt is one of the main suspects, but was adamant the stain on his jeans was hair dye. In order to prove his innocence, he let his wife Shona go through his phone, and she discovered evidence on his fitness app proving he was at the building site at the time.

david platt, sarah barlow, shona platt, coronation street

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He admitted that he witnessed the attack, but that it wasn't him. The scene cut before he told Shona and his sister Sarah who it was, though.

Daniel Osbourne is the other prime suspect, with Bethany convinced that it was him. Gary Windass went to see Bethany to convince her that it wasn't Daniel, but she didn't believe him... until Sarah walked in and revealed that Gary was the attacker.

"I certainly didn't mean for things to get physical," he said. "I was just gonna ask him to leave, nicely. But when I got there I heard him slagging you off on the phone, and I saw red... I'd do it again. I know what people like him are dangerous."

A furious Bethany told him that he needed to go to the police, or she would, incensed that Nathan was lying in hospital and not in jail.

embargoed until 28th april 9pm bethany platt and nathan curtis

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Desperate to keep Gary out of prison, Sarah went to visit Nathan in hospital, and offered him £2,000 to stay quiet and leave Weatherfield.

"There is a slight problem to that. My silence costs more than 2k, these lips stay sealed for 10," he told her.

Sarah went and told Gary that she didn't have that money, but he said that the factory sale went through earlier that day and he'd clear up the mess he made.

"10k's a small price to pay to get rid of that little rat," he said, adding that Maria can't ever find out.

When Daniel heard from the police that Nathan was no longer pursuing a case, Bethany had an inkling of what happened and went to see Sarah. When she admitted Gary paid Nathan off, Bethany was disgusted and said: "He does more for you than he does for his own wife. What's wrong with you, Mum, can't get your own man so you have someone else's?"

Bethany was met with a slap from her mum, and although Sarah tried to apologise, she walked out in tears.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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