Carpenter calls stumps

Scott Hanna is the new president of the Broome Cricket Association.

Broome Cricket Association has had a changing of the guard, with long-serving president James Carpenter stepping down for Scott Hanna.

Mr Carpenter has played a key role in growing the sport locally, but will take a step back after four years in the hot seat.

He told the Broome Advertiser he was very proud of his achievements as BCA president.

"I have had the pleasure of having a great committee throughout my tenure as well as very supporting captains of all the clubs," he said.

"I had three simple goals as president; to ensure cricket was played in Broome, to send a representative team to Senior Country Week and to collect and preserve the cricket history of Broome.

"I feel I have achieved these things, although as all presidents know, there is always more to do.

"It's difficult to step away from something that has brought such pleasure and meaning to my life but I want to turn my attention to other things."

Mr Hanna was full of praise for his predecessor and said cricket in Broome had benefited from Mr Carpenter's hard work.

Mr Hanna has been involved in the sport for a number of years and is the president of Dirty Dozen Cricket Club. He confirmed the Twenty20 competition was set to start next month, with scope to increase the number of teams to seven.

The 35-over tournament will also run later in the year, while Mr Hanna admitted his ambition was to send two Broometeams to contest the State country week competition in the future.

For more information on cricket call Hanna on 0408 995 156.