Beau Brady and Bec Cartwright April 2004
Beau Brady and Bec Cartwright April 2004

It seems that Beau Brady still holds a flame for ex-girlfriend of four years, Bec Cartwright, now Hewitt, as he hints that Lleyton is a superficial choice of husband to Woman's Day. The ex Home and Away star also told Woman's Day that dating and then proposing to his co-star at the time was a mistake.

"I look back at it now and realise proposing to Bec was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made," Brady said.

"It was just a stupid, young mistake and if I had my time over, I would never, ever have proposed."

"I'm only speculating, but in the end I'm still not really sure why Bec broke it off - maybe it was because I didn't own a Ferrari." Ouch seems someone is a little jealous of the man that got his girl, tennis champ Lleyton Hewitt.

It seems that Bec was doing the dirty on Brady in the lead up to the end of their engagement as Brady noted that the pair were texting and chatting a lot more in the three months leading up to her decision to end her engagement to Brady.

"I thought there was nothing to it (Bec and Lleyton's phone and text friendship), because - let's face it - I'm a much better-looking dude than Lleyton," he said.

" I ... threw the diamond engagement ring I had given her into the ocean," he said.

"Going out with her was a mistake, and getting engaged to her has taken away some of the purity of doing that again with someone else."

Bec ended the four-year relationship and engagement to Beau in 2004. In January 2005 Lleyton and Bec announced their engagement. Shortly after that Bec and Lleyton welcomed their first child. The couple are now expecting their third child.

Beau says he still has acting ambitions but for now is working as a personal trainer and labourer.