Avatar 2 director James Cameron reacts to Japanese dolphin show

Mr Cameron spoke with Japanese media after a Tokyo dolphin show. Source: Crank_in/YouTube

Video transcript

JAMES CAMERON: I love these animals. I love their intelligence.

- Fans and guests, welcome to Japan.

JAMES CAMERON: I love these animals. I love their intelligence. I love their sociability, their ability to connect with us, and to interact with us, and learn from us. And I'm sure everybody asked their permission to be in the show.

- Arigato.


- That's one way to start.

- Thank you so much for having us here. And I agree with Jim. 10 years is too much of a wait to visit. I mean, I was here six years ago, and I brought my family. And I just-- I love visiting Japan, and I'm very happy to be here today.


- Very nice.

- Thank you for having us today. This was so exciting, by far the best and most amazing show with these amazing animals I've ever seen.