Aussie woman 'named and shamed' over find on beach walking track

A woman has shared her anger after finding a McDonald's coffee cup 'perfectly placed' on a branch in a nature reserve near Newcastle.

The McDonald's coffee cup 'perfectly placed' on a branch on the walking track near Redhead Beach, south of Newcastle, NSW.
A NSW woman has shared her frustrations after stumbling across a McDonald's coffee cup 'perfectly placed' on a branch near Redhead Beach, south of Newcastle. Source: Facebook

An Aussie bushwalker has been praised for publicly shaming a McDonald’s customer after spotting a “grubby” detail found hanging in a tree on a nature reserve walking track. The woman shared her frustrations online in a tongue-in-cheek post on Monday after stumbling across the takeaway coffee cup from McCafe “perfectly placed” on a branch near Redhead Beach, south of Newcastle, NSW.

“Hey, Jenny. You forgot something on Redhead goat track,” she posted alongside an emoji of the middle finger. “Apparently it was too heavy to carry back with you after a spot of whale watching.”

Photos show the “recently purchased” coffee cup with the order name Jennifer splashed across the label sitting in a tree alongside the path. The date at the bottom reveals it was ordered on Monday morning.

“Such a pretty walk and then BAM! … along comes ol’ Jennifer,” the woman joked. “Plot twist: the tree’s name is Jennifer and I just stole her cuppa.”

The MacDonald's coffee cup with the name Jennifer and order listed.
Numerous women named bearing the same moniker announced 'it wasn’t me!' online. Source: Facebook

The images posted on a local Facebook page have sparked a strong reaction from the community, with most members applauding the walker for “naming and shaming” the suspected litterer. “My pet hate,” one person said, while another simply stated; “Nicely played my friend”.

“Great post! We need less of her type on this planet! Don’t be like lazy Jennifer,” someone else urged.

Numerous women named Jennifer also jumped in the comments to announce “it wasn’t me”, while others poked fun at Jenny’s coffee order — a half strength large flat white with skim milk.

“A cup of ‘why bother’ for Jenny the t****r!” a woman wrote.

Littering a small item is a $160 on-the-spot fine in NSW, with a maximum penalty of $5,000.

Research shows discarded food and drink containers are having a detrimental impact on wildlife overall, with a report published in February revealing a shocking 468,482 items of litter were picked up across Australia in the previous 12 months.

Of all the waste collected by volunteers, 81 per cent was plastic — a rise of 4.2 per cent from the year before, Clean Up Australia said. Last week, Yahoo News reported on the alarming trend leading to a snake getting trapped in a can in Western Australia’s northern Pilbara region.

“This is why people need to stop littering, stop chucking cans out and pick up their rubbish because it’s not just snakes that are getting themselves caught up in it,” Brandon Gifford from Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 said.

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