Aussie vape shop slammed for 'unacceptable' sign: 'Not funny'

Some argued the play on words is 'tasteless' - what do you think? Vote in our poll.

A vape store in Melbourne has been blasted online after an irked shopper called out the owner's questionable play on words, which he branded as "unacceptable".

"'Serial Vapist'!?" the Reddit user captioned the photograph. "I can only think this is supposed to be a word play on 'Serial Rapist', in which case; what the f**k!? Trying to brand that as 'cool' is unacceptable."

The shop front of a Melbourne vape store called 'Serial Vapist'
A Melbourne vape store is under fire for using a pun in its tagline that many have deemed offensive. Source: Reddit/Darkmoon_UK/AAP file

'Super gross'

The post earned the ire of several members of the Melbourne Reddit community, who were equally appalled by the pun. "Rape is not funny. This pun is tasteless, and so is vaping," someone commented. "Noticed the name for the first time the other day and had to double-take. Super gross," opined a second, while a third added: "A bunch of people assumedly [sic] came to a consensus that this was OK. Pack it up everyone, there is no hope left."

"Same as 'Pablo's Escoburgers' on High St Prahran," another Reddit user argued. "Glorifying a narco-terrorist who took so many lives, in an area where there are lots of Colombians here on working holiday visas too. Karma bus has hit them... they're out of business now but the shopfront remains."

Some members, however, maintained that although the pun could be considered tasteless, the two words aren't really offensive. "The name, pun aside, implies they sell goods for people that can't stop vaping... who can't get enough of it. I mean, as far as names go, it's pretty clever in that regard," someone reasoned.

Pun intended

Others took a less serious tone and shared alternate puns that the shop owner could have used. "Could have made it Professor Severus Vape but chose to get cancelled instead," someone commented. "Vapid ignorami," another remarked, while a third suggested: "Should've gone with 'Vapes of Wrath'."

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