Blind alpaca's tragic fate after his brother was stolen from paddock

A blind alpaca has been left unable to navigate his way around a paddock after his brother and “guide”, also an alpaca, was stolen.

Police said Charisma the alpaca was stolen from family living at a Dairy Flat property, north of Auckland, overnight on March 12.

Bambi, the blind alpaca, can't navigate the paddock without his missing brother. Source: North Shore, Rodney and West Auckland Police
Bambi, the blind alpaca, can't navigate the paddock without his missing brother. Source: North Shore, Rodney and West Auckland Police

On Facebook, police wrote the theft is “particularly sad” because Charisma’s brother, Bambi, relies on him to “move around the paddock” due to blindness.

A video shared by police on Facebook has more than 1000 shares and 86,000 views with many left saddened by the stolen animal.

"What sort of lowlifes would steal a gorgeous family pet like this? No compassion whatsoever!" one user commented.

Police described the case as 'particularly sad'. Pictured: Bambi. Source: North Shore, Rodney and West Auckland Police
Police described the case as 'particularly sad'. Pictured: Bambi. Source: North Shore, Rodney and West Auckland Police

"I hope they have the decency and respect to give him back. So sad for his blind companion left. Someone must have a new alpaca. Bring him home now! Have some compassion!"

One user, who claimed to be a former alpaca breeder, said the stress on the animal "would be excruciating".

Another claiming to be an alpaca breeder added, "alpacas usually have a mate in the paddock" and they "rely" on them.

Charisma (pictured) was stolen from a property north of Auckland on March 12. Source: North Shore, Rodney and West Auckland Police
Charisma (pictured) was stolen from a property north of Auckland on March 12. Source: North Shore, Rodney and West Auckland Police