Piers Morgan 'saved' from cancer by eagle-eyed viewer

Piers Morgan says he was saved from cancer by an eagle-eyed viewer who noticed something unusual about his appearance.

The Good Morning Britain host has revealed how Gillian Nuttall, a viewer of ITV documentary Serial Killer with Piers Morgan, sent him an email, informing Morgan she was a melanoma expert and noticed an alarming blemish on his chest.

Morgan took Ms Nuttall's advice and went to get it checked out. He was told that if left unchecked, it could have turned cancerous, The Independent UK reports.

The viewer noticed a blemish on Morgan's chest as his shirt was partly open at the top. Source: ITV
The viewer noticed a blemish on Morgan's chest as his shirt was partly open at the top. Source: ITV

“Piers, at the risk of sounding like a lunatic, I’m just watching your programme and there’s a blemish on your chest. Have you had it checked?” Ms Nuttall wrote in the email.

Morgan explained that a top dermatologist took one look at the mark and immediately removed it.

“Give that lady a gold star,” Morgan said. “Thanks, Gillian. Oh the irony of a serial killer inadvertently helping to save my life. Merry Christmas!”

Morgan says the viewer saved him from cancer. Source: AAP
Morgan says the viewer saved him from cancer. Source: AAP

Ms Nuttall, the CEO of Melanoma UK, tweeted about the interaction afterwards and said she thought a "quick shove in the right direction won't harm" when she saw the concerning blemish.

She founded Melanoma UK in 2007, which supports patients who have been diagnosed with the deadly form of skin cancer that’s commonly detected when a mole appears on the body.